KI Szintek
Kakarotto-Ssj4 2006.03.30. 07:57
Battle with Raditz Raditz – 1,220 Farmer – 5
Piccolo – 322
Son Goku – 334 Kuririn – 206 Master Roshi – 139
Son Gohan - 710
Son Goku – 416 Piccolo – 408
Son Goku [Kamehameha] – 1,080 Piccolo [Special Beam Cannon] – 1,330
Gohan – 1,307 Piccolo [Special Beam Cannon] – 1,440
Tenshinhan – 250 Yamcha – 177 Chaozu – 145
Battle with Nappa Saibamen – 1,220 Kuririn – 1,083 Gohan – 981 Piccolo – 1,220
Yamcha – 1,450 Kuririn – 1,600
Nappa – 4,000 Tenshinhan – 1,750
Tenshinhan [Kikoho] – 2,500
Piccolo – 2,000
Gohan – 1,500 Gohan [Masenko] – 2,800
Son Goku – 8,000 Nappa – 7,800
Son Goku [Kaioken] – 16,000
Battle with Vegeta Son Goku – 8,000 Vegeta – 18,000
Son Goku [Kaioken x2] – 16,000 Son Goku [Kaioken x3] – 24,000
Vegeta [Gyarikku-Ho] – 41,000 Son Goku [Kaioken x3 & Kamehameha] – 41,000
Son Goku [Kaioken x4 & Kamehameha] – 49,000
Vegeta – 12,800 Great Vegeta – 100,000
Gohan – 1,500 Kuririn – 1,600
Vegeta – 9,000 Gohan – 2,500
Genki Dama – 8,200
Vegeta – 800 Great Gohan – 7,000
Battle with Freeza’s Henchmen Namekian Warriors – 1,000 Namekian Warriors – 3,000
Gohan – 1,500 Kuririn – 1,500
Kiwi – 18,000 Vegeta – 24,000
Dodoria – 20,000
Zarbon – 22,000 Monster Zarbon – 27,000
Vegeta – 28,000
Battle with the Ginyu Force Gohan – 16,000 Kuririn – 14,000
Guldo – 140
Vegeta – 28,000 Reacoom – 40,000
Volume 8 Reacoom - 40,000 Son Gohan - 11,500 Kuririn - 10,500
Son Goku - 5,000 (Could burst his power up to 10fold Kaioken when necessary) Jheese - 40,000 Butta - 40,000
Son Goku - 90,000 Captain Ginyu - 120,000 Son Goku [Kaioken] - 180,000
Volume 9 Ginyu in Goku - 23,000 Kuririn - 24,500 Gohan - 27,000
Jheese - 40,000 Vegeta - 260,000
Nail - 42,000 Freeza - 220,000 (Holding back from full power)
Vegeta - 340,000 Freeza - 400,000 (Powered up)
Freeza - 530,000 (Full Power) Freeza - 1,060,000 (2nd Form)
Gohan - 1,100,000 Kuririn - 37,000
Freeza - 1,400,000 (Powered up) Piccolo - 1,500,000
Volume 10 Freeza - 1,700,000 (Full Power) Piccolo - 1,850,000 (Full Power)
Freeza - 2,300,000 (Form 3) Gohan - 2,000,000 (Enraged)
Freeza - 3,500,000 (True Form) Vegeta - 2,500,000
Son Goku - 3,300,000
Freeza - 6,000,000 (50%) Son Goku [Kaioken x20] - 6,600,000
Son Goku [Kamehameha] - 5,500,000
Volume 11 Piccolo - 2,800,000 Genki Dama - 8,000,000
Super Goku - 11,500,000
Freeza - 8,400,000 (70%) Freeza - 12,000,000 (100%)
Freeza - 10,000,000 (Battle Worn)
Volume 12 Cyborg Freeza - 6,500,000 King Cold - 4,800,000
Trunks - 5 (Supressed) Super Trunks - 11,500,000
Super Goku - 13,500,000
Volume 13 Yamcha - 58,000
Nineteen - 4,000,000 Super Goku - 7,500,000
Nineteen - 7,000,000 (Post-Kamehameha) Super Goku - 6,000,000
Super Vegeta - 16,500,000 Nineteen - 8,500,000
Super Vegeta [Big Bang Attack] - 14,000,000 Super Vegeta - 9,000,000 (After Defeating Nineteen)
Twenty - 10,000,000 Piccolo - 13,000,000
Volume 14 Eighteen - 23,000,000 Super Vegeta - 16,500,000
Super Trunks - 14,000,000 Piccolo - 13,000,000 Tenshinhan - 950,000 Seventeen - 28,000,000
Cell - 15,000,000 Piccolo - 22,000,000
Volume 15 Seventeen - 28,000,000 Piccolo - 28,000,000
Cell - 34,000,000 Sixteen - 34,000,000
Imperfect Cell - 47,000,000
Volume 16 Ultra Vegeta - 62,000,000 Ultra Trunks - 60,000,000
Perfect Cell - 90,000,000 Ultra Vegeta [Final Flash] - 125,000,000
Volume 17 Ultra Trunks 2 - 85,000,000 Perfect Cell - 90,000,000 Ultra Trunks 2 - 120,000,000 (Full Power)
Super Goku - 65,000,000
Mister Satan - 8
Volume 18 Full Power Super Goku - 140,000,000 Perfect Cell - 145,000,000
Super Goku [Warp Kamehameha] - 190,000,000
Full Power Super Gohan - 150,000,000 Perfect Cell - 165,000,000
Cell Juniors - 145,000,000 Ultra Vegeta - 125,000,000 Ultra Trunks - 115,000,000 Piccolo - 78,000,000
Super Gohan 2 - 300,000,000
Volume 19 Super Gohan 2 - 300,000,000 Cell Juniors - 145,000,000
Full Power Perfect Cell - 180,000,000 Buff Perfect Cell - 220,000,000 Imperfect Cell - 47,000,000
Super Perfect Cell - 225,000,000 Super Gohan 2 - 200,000,000 (Injured)
Super Perfect Cell [Kamehameha] - 350,000,000 Super Gohan 2 [Kamehameha] - 345,000,000
Great Saiyaman
Super Gohan - 78,000,000 Great Saiyaman - 19,500,000
Videl - 8
Super Goten - 67,000,000
World Tournament Son Goten - 17,500,000 Trunks Briefs - 20,000,000
Super Goten - 70,000,000 Super Trunks - 80,000,000
Kuririn - 2,300,000
Piccolo - 16,000,000 Kaioshin - 45,000,000
Videl - 9 Spopovich - 16
Gohan - 25,000,000 Super Gohan - 100,000,000 Super Gohan 2 - 200,000,000
Kibito - 35,000,000
Babidi's Spaceship Vegeta - 70,000,000 Pui Pui - 6,000,000
Yakon - 48,000,000 Son Goku - 60,000,000 Super Goku - 180,000,000
Dabura - 250,000,000 Super Gohan 2 - 250,000,000
Majin Vegeta - 360,000,000 Super Goku 2 - 360,000,000
The Hatching Majin Buu - 600,000,000
Super Gohan 2 - 250,000,000 Dabura - 170,000,000 (Injured) Kaioshin - 45,000,000 Majin Vegeta - 360,000,000
Majin Vegeta [Final Explosion] - 800,000,000
Super Goku 3 - 1,080,000,000 Majin Buu - 850,000,000
Gotenks - 400,000,000 Majin Buu - 1,000,000,000
Super Gotenks - 1,200,000,000
Fusion Evil Buu - 720,000,000 Mister Buu - 400,000,000
Super Buu - 4,000,000,000
Gotenks - 500,000,000 Super Gotenks - 1,500,000,000 Super Gotenks 3 - 4,500,000,000
Son Gohan - 5,200,000,000
Super Buu Gotenks - 6,000,000,000 Super Buu Piccolo - 4,050,000,000 Super Buu Gohan - 6,700,000,000
Vegito - 26,000,000,000
Evil Kid Buu Super Buu - 4,000,000,000 Buff Buu - 4,600,000,000 Kid Buu - 720,000,000
Super Goku 3 - 720,000,000 Super Vegeta 2 - 280,000,000 Mister Buu - 400,000,000
Genki Dama - 22,000,000,000
Son Goku - 90,000,000 Uub - 12 (Relaxed) Uub - 85,000,000 (Enraged)